Step by Step Guide for Growing Grapes in a Pot

Have you ever wondered if you could grow grapes in your apartment even if you don’t have a vineyard?

It is possible to grow grapes in a pot on your patio or balcony in easy steps. However, there are a few things to consider before you enjoy the first fresh bunch of fruits.

Growing grapes in a pot saves space since you can place them on the balcony of your apartment or your patio. The best part is that the plant is portable, and you can move with it anywhere you go or switch locations if pests attack the plant.

This article looks into the step-by-step process of growing grapes in a pot, from the materials to harvesting and all the stages in between. Read on to learn more about growing grapes in a pot.

Steps for Growing Grapes in a Pot

1.      Buy the materials

The grapevine variety

Buy a variety that grows well in a pot, and you won’t need to repot often due to massive growth. Also, choose a variety that is resistant to pests and diseases and one that grows best in your climate.

For example, the Purple Mars grape is disease resistant while the “Pixie” variety is ideal for small spaces.

The right pot for growing grapes

Pick a large pot about 18 inches deep and wide to grow your grapevine root. You can start with a smaller pot and repot later.

Avoid plastic pots since they can heat up when the sun is too hot and harm the root. Instead, select wooden, ceramic, or terracotta pots because they can withstand the temperature, and you can always relocate the plant whenever needed. 

Growing medium (Soil)

Grapes can grow in all soil types, but loam is preferable since they thrive best in well draining soil. Alternatively, you can use a potting mix that drains well instead of heavy garden soil that holds water and may accelerate root rot.

Add some compost to the potting mix to boost the nutrient density of the potting mix. Then, place small stones at the bottom of the pot before you add soil to improve the drainage system.


You don’t need to add fertilizer, but if you do, make sure to use one that is low in nitrogen and high in potassium and phosphorus. Add organic fertilizer of aged compost every year during spring. You should also change the soil and add compost when repotting the plant to a bigger container.

2. Planting

The best time to plant a grapevine is during spring to give it time to grow before frost comes about. An unfavorable climate in winter may affect the growth due to high humidity.

Growing grapes in a pot

When growing grapes in a pot, select a location that is warm, dry, and exposed to natural sunlight. The plant needs about 6 hours of sunlight every day. Placing the plant in a wet location with poor air circulation may increase the chances of fungal diseases such as powdery mildew.

3. Growing

Grapevines take about two years to produce grapes. In the first year, the plant’s vines grow along the trellis and release several buds.

When growing grapes in a pot, you must train the vines as they grow long on a trellis or any other support structure. Use a trellis made of wood or plastic to support the grapevines as they grow. Fix the trellis in your rooftop garden or balcony for easy and hassle free growth.

Grapes need regular watering to keep the required humidity since they dry quickly when growing in pots. Don’t let the soil dry completely before watering. However, you should avoid overwatering the plant as it can cause rot.

Also, keep an eye on pests such as aphids, caterpillars, and moths.

During winter, keep the plant indoors to protect it from the harsh climate. Reduce watering at this time to prevent root rot.

4. Pruning

Avoid pruning in the first few months after planting the grapevine and let it grow freely to have a strong root system.

It is best to prune during winter when the growing has halted, and the plant is shedding its leaves. Allow the vines to follow your desired trellis and prune those that creep away, as having extra may produce low quality fruits.

Only let two buds remain since each will grow into a new branch at the end of summer and spring. You should only let at most 2 branches grow from the main plant.

5. Harvesting

Grapes take about 2-3 years to be ready for harvest. They ripen depending on the climate of the location you are in.

At this time, they start to change color and will be ready for harvest in about a week or two, depending on the variety and the climate. For instance, the skin of green grapes often turns yellow and translucent when ripe.

Growing grapes in a pot
Mature green grapes

To know if the grapes are ready for harvest, taste them. Mature ones should have a sweet taste. If they are still bitter, allow them to stay for a few more days.


Can grapes be grown in containers?

Yes. It is easy to grow and care for grapes in containers if you choose the right variety and provide the right soil and humidity.

How long does it take for grapes to be fully grown?

It takes about two to three years to harvest grapes. Depending on the climate and the variety of grapes, you can have multiple harvests in a year.

Why do grapes take so long to grow?

Grapes grow their leaves, roots, and vines in the first year. However, the duration depends on the climate, variety, soil, and how you care for the plant.

What is the best time to plant grapes?

The best time to plant grapes in New York is early spring. Ensure to buy grapevines from reputable stores.

Final Thoughts

Will growing grapes in a pot produce as many grapes? Absolutely. The grapevine will produce enough yields if you choose the right variety and growing container. So, if you have a small balcony or patio in your New York Apartment, it won’t hurt to give it a try. Follow the simple step by step instructions, and you’ll be harvesting your grapes in no time.

Happy gardening!

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