How to Grow Radish Microgreens Step By Step

Nothing brings a touch of green to New York life more than an indoor garden with your favorite plants, such as radish microgreens. You don’t have to turn into a full-time farmer. We understand that space might be scarce, your time is precious, and you need something that will grow fast enough to allow you to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Radish microgreens are a perfect fit for New Yorkers on the go because they are a powerhouse of nutrition, and they also grow super fast. Who has the time to wait 3 months for a plant to grow? You’ll have your plants ready to harvest in less than two weeks.

In this article, we will explore how to grow radish microgreens step by step in your indoor garden in New York. We will also cover their nutritional benefits and why you should grow them. Let’s get started.

What are the Nutritional Benefits of Radish Microgreens

Microgreens are very popular with foodies for their fresh flavor and crunchy texture. Wondering whether radish microgreens are worth the hype? Here are some of the nutritional benefits.

1. They are rich in nutrients

Radish microgreens are among the most nutritious vegetables in the world, rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

microgreens how to eat
Image from Canva Pro

They are packed with vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and boosts your immune health. They also contain potassium, magnesium, and calcium, essential for bone health.

2. They are rich in fiber

Radish microgreens are good for your digestive system because of their high fiber content. They help prevent bloating and constipation by keeping the digestive system moving.

3. They may help with weight loss

If you struggle to choose healthy foods to add to your daily menu, don’t look any further. The microgreens are low in calories and keep you full longer, preventing unhealthy temptations. Add them to your diet to help you maintain a healthy weight.

4. Heart Friendly

With the rising cases of heart disease, we need to eat more foods that can help reduce our risk. Radish microgreens are good for your heart because they contain compounds that may help lower your blood pressure.

5. Rich in antioxidants

Living in New York City exposes you to environmental toxins and pollution. The antioxidants in the microgreens can help protect your body cells from damage by free radicals. Thus potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer.

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How to Grow Radish Microgreens Step By Step

How long does it take to grow radish microgreens?

Image from Canva Pro

Microgreen radishes are one of the easiest and quickest plants to grow at home. They germinate quickly and are easy to harvest. Here is a step-by-step guide to growing radish microgreens at home.

Step 1: Prepare the container

If this is the first trial, look for a sunny spot near the window or balcony since the plant needs natural light to grow. If you live in some of New York’s towering buildings that block out the sun, invest in grow lights to ensure your plants get the necessary light to grow.

Prepare the tray or container where you will plant the radish microgreens. You can repurpose take-out containers if they fit in the available space.

Step 2: Sourcing Seeds

Go to your local garden centre or online for radish microgreen seeds. You will get about 2500 radish seeds per ounce. You will need about 12 seeds per square inch, about 1 level tablespoon.

Step 3: Planting the seeds

Now it’s time to get your hands dirty, for good reason. Add potting mix into the growing container or tray. Moisten the soil using a spray bottle and spread it evenly with your fingers on the containers. You don’t need a lot of soil since the plants need a small space.

Add the seeds into a shaker bottle. Sprinkle the seeds in the soil and be careful not to overcrowd them. They don’t like being squished together.

If they clump together, use your finger to separate and spread them. Sprinkle more water with the spray bottle to wet the seeds and help them settle in the soil. Cover them for 2-3 days to retain the moisture and keep the light off before they germinate.

Step 4: Germination

Once they germinate by day three, you can remove the cover to allow them to get either sunlight or grow light. Let them be undisturbed for a day or two if they have not germinated.

Radish microgreens don’t need too much water, but they also need some water, or they will wither. If the soil looks dry, sprinkle some water using the spray bottle. Find the right moisture balance every other day, and don’t pour too much water, or they’ll be waterlogged.

how to grow radish microgreens
Image from Canva Pro

You can trim out the plants that look weak because they are overcrowded and leave those that look sturdy.

They also need medium temperatures, not too hot or too cold.

One of the challenges that you can expect is mold or mildew, which can prevent by ensuring there is enough ventilation. The best alternative is to place the container or tray inside another tray with water to allow them to get water from below and avoid damping excess moisture on the leaves.

Step 5: Harvesting your radish microgreens

So, how long do radish microgreens take to grow? They are ready to harvest in about 8-10 days. At this time, they are about 2 to 3 inches long.

microgreen radish
Image from Canva Pro

Finally, your patience has paid off, and it’s time to harvest. Use kitchen scissors or a sharp knife to snip them off just above the soil. Harvest just what you’ll use that day.  Then wash them and add them to your salads, wraps, and sandwiches.

You can let the remaining microgreen radishes continue growing. But if they become too tall, cut and store them while dry to keep them fresh longer.


If you thought it was impossible to plant your radish microgreens in your New York apartment, then this article has shown you how to plant them step by step.

Even if your apartment has limited space, you can use containers, trays, or takeout boxes to plant these super greens, and they are ready to enjoy in your food for their nutritional benefits. Ready to be a radish microgreens maestro? Try the step-by-step guide and give us feedback in the comment section below.


Are radish microgreens easy to grow?

Yes, radish microgreens are easy to plant and grow quickly. They will be ready in a few days to add flavor to your sandwiches and salads.

How do you grow radish microgreens without soil?

You can grow radish microgreens without soil in a tray, container, or a biodegradable mat. Sprinkle the seeds on a moistened mat of container and leave them for a few days to sprout.

Can you eat radish microgreens raw?

Yes, you can eat raw radish microgreens in salads or sandwiches to add more flavor.

How do you know when radish microgreens are ready to harvest?

You can harvest radish microgreens after 8-10 days after planting them. At this time, they will be about 2 ½ to 3 inches tall.

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