How to Grow Cauliflower Microgreens Fast at Home

Cauliflower, also called cabbage flower, is one of the hardest plants to grow. Why not try cauliflower microgreens? They are easy to grow and are ready for harvest in about 8 to 12 days, which is about 10% of the time (130 days) that mature cauliflower takes to be ready for harvest.

Cauliflower belongs to the same family as broccoli, kale, cabbage, and collard greens. Unlike the mature cauliflower with white heads, cauliflower microgreens are dark green with a violet undertone.

Their peppery taste and crispy texture make a great addition to your salads. They are packed with vitamins C, E, and K iron. They also contain sulforaphane, just like broccoli microgreens, which have numerous health benefits.

This article shares the step-by-step process of growing cauliflower microgreens at home. We will also explore what you need to grow cauliflower microgreens at home.

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What You Need to Grow Cauliflower Microgreens

  • Cauliflower seeds: buy high quality seeds from a reliable supplier on Amazon or at your local grocery store in New York.
Cauliflower microgreens
Cauliflower seeds

You don’t need specific seeds that are used only for microgreens. Any cauliflower seeds will work. You only need to harvest them at an earlier stage than mature cauliflower.

  • Microgreen planting trays: buy two shallow planting trays. One should have drainage holes, while the other should not act as a lid or a way to water the microgreens from the bottom.
  • Growing medium: Organic soil mix: you can use native garden soil if you have soil at home or buy potting mix from Amazon. You can also grow microgreens without soil since they rely on nutrients from the seeds which are sufficient to sustain them until they are ready for harvest. If you use soil from your garden, use a sifter to get fine soil, making it easy for microgreens to grow.
  • Spray bottle: an easy way to water the soil without waterlogging.

Buy a spray bottle from Amazon

  • Grow lights: cauliflower microgreens thrive better with artificial lights because they give you control for healthy and even growth.

Buy grow lights for indoor plants on Amazon.

  • Harvesting scissors: Buy on Amazon

Growing Cauliflower Microgreens

It’s always a good idea to grow different microgreens simultaneously to add variety to your salads. Also, some microgreens grow faster than others, so you may have a harvest throughout the same month.  Read these guides for growing other microgreens:


Add the organic soil mix to the growing trays. You can repurpose your takeaway tins to grow your microgreens or buy the growing trays. The container should have drainage holes to prevent waterlogging, which increases the risk of mold.

Then, spray the soil with water using a spray bottle until the soil is wet enough. This is the only time you will water the soil until the seeds germinate, so ensure to give enough.

Now, it’s time to plant the cauliflower seeds. You don’t need to presoak cauliflower seeds since they grow quickly. Depending on your tray, you will need 2-3 tablespoons of seeds. Spread the seeds evenly on the wet soil and over overlapping the seeds.

Then, gently press the seeds into the soil using your fingers for them to come into contact with the soil. Cover the planting tray with a lid and put a small weight or stone on top of it to keep it in place. The weight also strengthens the cauliflower microgreens since they push against the lid as they germinate.

Keep the tray in a cool, dark place for about two to 3 days. You don’t need to check on them at this time.


Cauliflower microgreens germinate within 2-3 days. Remove the lid and check if they have germinated. If they have, move them near a source of light.

For most microgreens, exposure to direct sunlight may be harmful, so it is better to use grow lights for them to grow evenly. Move them to a location where there is air circulation and expose them to grow light for about 6-8 hours every day,


After germination, the cauliflower microgreens need water regularly. Use bottom watering to prevent the risk of molds.

cauliflower microgreens
Growing cauliflower microgreens

Place the growing tray in a bigger tray filled with water for a few minutes daily and let the plants sip water from below through the drainage holes. Do this daily if the weather is hot or every other day in cold weather.


Your microgreens will be ready for harvest 4-6 days after germination. Don’t let the cauliflower microgreens overstay until the true leaves form since they become bitter.

Cauliflower microgreens
Add cauliflower microgreens to your salads

Harvest as much as you need for the day, or store the extra in the refrigerator to prevent them from going bad. Put them in a Ziploc bag and keep them in the fridge. Consuming them within 3 days after harvesting is best for better taste.

Final Thoughts

It is easy to grow cauliflower microgreens at home. You need the cauliflower seeds, a growing medium, water, and the right conditions for germination and growth. For the first 3 days, the seeds need complete darkness to germinate, then remove the lid and expose them to light. Use the step-by-step method to grow your cauliflower microgreens at home and enjoy them in your salads, stews, or sandwiches.

Have you grown microgreens at home? Please share your experience in the comments section below.


  • What are the most difficult microgreens to grow?

Microgreens that may be challenging to grow include beets, cilantro and amaranth. Grow different types of microgreens simultaneously to make the process more fun.

  • How do you grow cauliflower microgreens?

Cauliflower grows very fast and is one of the easiest microgreens to grow. It can be sown a little more thickly than other seeds. Keep in the dark with the black-out dome for about 4-6 days, and then flip the lid on about day 6 or 7 to put a little stress on the emerging seedlings. This will strengthen the crop.

  • How do you make cauliflower microgreens grow faster?

Cauliflower microgreens need 6 hours of light every day. It also needs sufficient water for optimal growth.

  • What are the fastest microgreens to grow?

The fastest microgreens to grow are radish and broccoli microgreens. They are ready for harvest in as little as 8 days after germination.

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