12 Best Indoor Plants For New York City’s Climate

Indoor plants bring irresistible green scenery to the living space. However, it can be a challenge to provide enough sunlight, moisture, and humidity as different plants need different conditions.

Furthermore, you need low maintenance plants so that you don’t have to worry about them withering just because you left your apartment for just two days. The best thing about hardy plants is that can survive all year long despite the season.

If you are a plant enthusiast who wants to incorporate indoor plants in your New York apartment, then read on to learn the 12 best indoor plants to consider.

1.Resilient Succulents

best indoor plants

Succulents are hardy plants that are among the best indoor plants in New York. They don’t need a lot of watering because they store water in their thick leaves. In fact, during winter months, you don’t need to wear them often because they have low water needs at that time.

Choose succulents if you are too busy to water your plants every day. However, note that they need plenty of light, so you should place them near light.

2. Air-Purifying Pothos

best indoor plants

Pothos plant is one of the best low maintenance indoor plants that helps purify the air. It can also tolerate harsh conditions such as low light and less moisture.

The plant fits well in a vertical garden if you have limited space and makes a beautiful display of leaves trailing down. You only need to water it biweekly and expose it to medium indirect light.

But it can thrive even in darker areas of the home and can survive and bounce back even if you neglect it slightly it can still bounce back.

3. Lively Ferns

best indoor plants

Although ferns thrive in high humidity, the make it in the list of the best indoor plants because they are easy to grow.

They survive in low light and can survive in your living space. Place the ferns in s pot where they can get indirect light a few hours every day. Also, grow them in moist soil that is well draining to prevent root rot.

4. Vibrant Spider Plant

best indoor plants for New York's Climate

It is easy to grow spider plants indoors because they are low maintanance. Just like the pothos plant, they have air purifying abilities, and keeping them in your house is beneficial for your health.

The plant needs medium direct light and thrives in medium humidity and cool temperatures.

The thing to note is that since they grow quickly, they tend to outgrow the pots so fast. Ensure to repot to a bigger pot to prevent hindering their growth. Also, avoid overwatering the plant as it may cause root rot.

5. Healthy Herbs

Planting herbs such as basil, thyme, and parsley indoors is a good way to boost your health all year long because you have unlimited access to fresh herbs.

The problem with planting herbs outdoors is that they are affected by winter. But that is not a problem with indoor herbs because they are protected from the harsh weather.

You will be able to clip a few sprigs and add them to your favorite recipes.

6. Flavorful Cherry Tomatoes

No matter how the temperatures dip outside, your cherry tomatoes can thrive in your indoor garden. Planting cherry tomatoes indoors gives you access to delicious produce in all seasons.

The plant needs sufficient sunlight, so you need to place it near natural light. But you can still use grow lights or LED lights in seasons with less sun exposure.

Select terracotta pots that have drainage holes and choose well draining soil for better outcomes.

7. Aromatic Lavender

Lavender is one of the best indoor plants because it grows well indoors in pots, is low maintenance, and adds color to your home.

The plant gives you blooms all year long and adds a fresh fragrance to your space. The lovely aroma is irresistible. That’s why every other home product has a lavender fragrance.

It has multiple uses at home, such as making flavored tea, decorating the living space, and giving fragrance to your home.

8. Colorful Violets

Flowers add beauty to any space, and violets are the best for that. The plant. They grow well near the window or on the patio and need regular watering.

Some varieties of Violets include Pinkster, Virginia Rose, and Arrowhead.

9. Fresh Mint

Mint is one of the easiest plants to grow indoors all year long. You can choose from peppermint, chocolate mint, or lime mint.

The plant needs watering once or twice per week and needs exposure to sunlight, so growing near a window is ideal. Excess watering may cause root rot and increase the chances of pests attacking the roots.

Use well draining soil and plant in a pot with drainage holes to wade off excess water, then place it in a sunny window.

10. Fragrant Jasmine

Jasmine plants are easy to grow indoors and have been linked to improving sleep quality and reducing anxiety or stress levels.

The plant attracts positive energy and thrives in a sunny spot as it needs indirect light. They grow too fast, and you need to prune them often to control their size

11. Nutritious Swiss Chard

Growing nutritious vegetables such as Swiss chard in your apartment provides a healthy supply of vegetables every day.

The plant takes only 65 days to grow and provides nutritious greens even during the colder months. You can grow them in pots and keep harvesting if you keep the roots intact as the plant grows new roots.

12. Beautiful Orchids

Orchids make the best indoor plants because they produce lovely flowers that beautify the living space. The low maintanance plant thrives in humid conditions and with a growing medium that has good draining capabilities.

Select a spot with plenty of bright indirect light near a window. Add organic fertilizer when the plants begin to grow and water once or twice every week.


  • What is the best indoor plant in NYC?

Some of the best indoor plants in New York include snake plants and pothos. These are low maintenance and easy to take care of and beautify the space.

  • What plants grow best in NYC?

There are thousands of native plants that thrive in the climatic conditions and soil present in NYC. Some of the plants that grow best in New York include ferns, wildflowers, and shrubs.

  • What is the best climate for indoor plants?

Indoor plants thrive where there is optimal temperature and humidity. Most of these houseplants thrive best in temperatures between 55 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • What is the most hardiest indoor plant?

Some of the hardiest or most resilient houseplants include Pothos, spider plants, aloe Vera, and succulents such as sedums.

  • What flower is New York known for?

The flower that New York is known for is The Rose, which was crowned as the state flower in 1955. The Rose flower has a sweet aroma and beautifies any space.

Final Thoughts

Living in New York City is synonymous with riding a roller coaster. Every little inch of space is buzzing with activity and action. That’s why you need a haven of comfort when you get into your apartment. And indoor plants will help you take time to pause as you meditate while taking care of your plants. Create a haven of greenery with these 12 indoor plants in your New York apartment.

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