Can Succulents Live Without Soil?

Succulents are drought resistant plants that thrive in green roofs and can live without water for months. But how long can succulents live without soil?

Exposing the roots of any plant to open air is a recipe for disaster and succulents are no exception. You may need to give them extra care and attention if you plan to transport them and plant in a different area so that they can remain healthy.

Read on to find out more about how to keep your succulents alive without soil.

How Long Can Succulents Live Without Soil?

Succulents can live without soil for up to 14 days before they wilt. This is because soil is their primary source of nutrition.

can succulents live without soil

Soil is the best growing medium for succulents for long term arrangement. It is advisable to plant the succulents in a well-draining soil to protect the root and offer the required nutrients for healthy plants. But when you need to keep your succulents without soil, then other alternatives are ideal.

How to Make Succulents Live Without Soil

You can opt for a soilless way to plant your succulents or maybe you want to plant them in a different location. In the event that you need to keep your succulents without soil for a while, here are important tips to consider.

1. Water them

Although succulents are hardy plants that can survive without water for a while, if they are not planted in soil the roots may dry out.

The plants retain water in their stems and leave which can last those months even in drought seasons. However they still need water in the right amounts.

can succulents live without soil

Use a spray bottle to add a little moisture to the roots every other day before you can put them back in the soil. Be careful not to over water them as they may become too soft and soggy and eventually die.

2. Add some nutrients

Succulents can live without soil only if they get adequate nutrients to compensate what they were getting from the soil. Providing the right nutrients through use of a fertilizer ensures the plant gets all the essential nutrients and will prevent the succulents from wilting.

A well-draining soil is always protective and flashes out excess water and only leaves what the plant needs. So you need to make up for that with a suitable fertilizer for succulents. Dilute the fertilizer in water then spray on the roots to feed the plant and keep it alive.

Avoid add too much fertlizer and overwatering the plant after adding fertilizer as you may remove the nutrients.

3. Provide adequate light

The succulents need light to remain alive. Like other plants, succulents require water for photosynthesis which is how they make food for themselves.

can succulents live without soil

However direct sunlight may burn the roots so be modest about it. It is ideal to use UV lamps or grow lights. Alternatively keep the roots of the succulents to face near the window but not directly to get some sunlight.

4. Get alternative grow mediums

You can use sand or rocks instead of soil to keep the succulents alive. Most succulents can grow well in sand in the dessert or the beach. These alternative growing medium provide something for the roots of the plant to hold on to and get protected from direct sunlight. Sedums and aloe Vera are some of succulents that can thrive in sand as an alternative to soil medium.

Some favorable rocks include granite and marble. They allow proper air circulation and is well draining so will not affect the roots. Choose the shapes and sizes of rocks that you fancy and have fun while at it.

You can also use coco fiber or sphagnum moss to provide the necessary nutrients. These are excellent substitutes to soil but you may still need to add diluted fertilizer to provide more nutrients that the two don’t have. The advantage of coco fiber and moss is that they are well draining and you won’t have to worry about root rot.


  • Can succulents survive in water only?

You can grow succulents in water if you’re busy and may forget to water your plant. Growing succulents in water may also prevent overwatering because the plant only gets the required water. However, soil is still best for long term growing for succulents.

  • Can succulents go 2 months without water?

Succulents can go without water for up to 3 months because they retain water in their leave and stems which keeps them alive in hot seasons. If you plant succulents in your indoor garden they may need less water than those in the outdoor garden which is also exposed to wind and sunlight that may drain off water.

  • Do succulents need soil or rocks?

Succulents thrive in well draining soil. Ideally you should plant them in pots in your indoor or outdoor garden in the fields. However, you can also use sand, gravel or granite rocks as growing medium as they also offer good drainage and keep the roots and the plant healthy and alive.

  • Can succulents grow in just sand?

Yes, sand is also a good growing medium for succulents, however fine sand tends to retain excess water and may cause root rot and it also limited in terms of essential nutrients required by the plant to grow.

  • How often do you water succulents in rocks?

Succulents don’t need as much water as other plant. Therefore, only water the plant if the soil is completely dry as overwatering can kill it.

Final Thoughts

So is it possible to grow succulents without soil? Yes, for a short period because succulents require a growing medium to protect the roots and keep the plant healthy. Although succulents thrive best in soil, it doesn’t mean that they can’t live without soil. Try the above methods and different growing mediums to increase the lifespan of your succulents.

Happy gardening!

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