Green walls benefits
7 Ways Green Walls Are Revolutionizing Urban Architecture and Shaping Cities

Green walls have revolutionized the urban spaces, and for good reason. They are one of…

urban beekeeping
Beginner’s Guide to Urban Beekeeping: How to Start Beekeeping in New York

Beekeeping is booming in New York City as more and more people have discovered the…

Create a Pollinator Friendly Garden
How to Create a Pollinator-Friendly Garden in New York

Your garden in New York goes beyond creating a curb appeal. It is a good…

Beekeeping Laws In New York State
Beekeeping Laws In New York State. Can I Keep Bees in New York?

Urban keeping was one of the best coping mechanisms during the pandemic. It was one…

6 Useful Tips for Year Round Indoor Gardening

Imagine if you could have access to fresh vegetables every day of the year without…

best nutrition for hydroponic plants
What is the Best Nutrition for Hydroponic Plants?

Hydroponic systems offer a way to grow plants without soil and open up the possibility…

How to transfer hydroponic plants to soil
How to Transfer Hydroponic Plants to Soil

Hydroponics plants grow without soil and may have better yields than plants grown in soil.…

can succulents live without soil
Can Succulents Live Without Soil?

Succulents are drought resistant plants that thrive in green roofs and can live without water…

ways to mantain your green roof
Maintain Your Green Roof With These 10 Simple Ideas

Green roofs provide thermal insulation, which reduces energy bills and may last longer than traditional…

Best Plants For A Green Roof – 11 Popular Options

Green roofs are a growing trend in New York, and for good reasons. They are…