What is the Best Nutrition for Hydroponic Plants?

Hydroponic systems offer a way to grow plants without soil and open up the possibility for sustainable urban gardening.

Knowing the best nutrition for hydroponic plants is important before you start the hydroponics adventure. The plants can be planted in water-based enriched solution, vermiculite, or coconut coir, require less space, and have higher yields.

Plants grown hydroponically grow more rapidly than those in traditional soil mediums because you can fully control the nutrients and conditions. However, hydroponic plants are fragile and need the best nutrition to thrive. They are also very sensitive to changes in their environment because they don’t have a soil medium to fall back to.

Moreover, the nutrient solution you provide is the only source for the plant and they may be at risk of deficiencies. Read on to find out the best nutrition for hydroponic plants.

What Nutrients Do Hydroponic Plants Need?

Hydroponic plants need large amounts of nutrients to grow depending on the growth phase they are in. Although you have control over the growth factors, any mistakes can have adverse effects on the growing plants. Let’s look at some of them.

1. Organic nutrition

Organic solutions contain natural products that are derived from plant or animal matter. Adding organic nutrition makes hydroponic plants resistant to diseases. They also have low levels of nitrates and other toxic residues.

best nutrition for hydroponic plants
Hydroponic plants rely on nutrients in the hydroponic system

Organic matter is decomposed by microorganisms in the soil to make the nutrients available for the plants to benefit from. However, since hydroponic plants do not use soil, it can limit whether the nutrients are readily available to the hydroponic plants.

This may make the plants grow slower and become smaller. Therefore it may be best to use mineral solutions for hydroponic plants.

2. Mineral solution

Mineral nutrition options are derived through chemical processes. Since they are not organic you may need to check for high-quality products that provide the right nutrients for hydroponic plants.

You also need to be extra careful of the PH balance and nutrient content to provide the best nutrition for hydroponic plants. Ensure to get the right mix to ensure better yield and keep the plants healthy and resistant to diseases.

Hydroponic plants need major nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in large amounts for adequate growth. They also need calcium, magnesium, and sulfur.

best nutrition for hydroponic plants
Hydroponic plants have specific nutrient needs

You should also provide essential micronutrients in small amounts including iron, manganese, zinc, chlorine, boron, and copper. All these minerals are vital for cell growth, activating enzymes, boosting the immunity of the plants, transfer of energy, and production of fruits and seeds.

Plants in a traditional garden get these nutrients from the soil. However hydroponic plants depend on you to provide these nutrients in their growth mediums.  Let’s look at the benefits of some of the minerals.

a) Nitrogen

Nitrogen is one of the main nutrients that plants need. It is vital in cell growth and cell division and also involved in the creation of protein which is the building blocks of the stems particularly in the vegetative stage of the plant.

b) Phosphorus

Hydroponic plants require phosphorus in large amounts to aid in plant growth, the formation of roots, seeds, fruits, and flowers. Ensure to add phosphorus when the plant starts to produce buds to improve the yield.

c) Potassium

Potassium is another macronutrient that helps to keep the plant healthy and strong. It also helps to distribute water and nutrients efficiently to maintain osmotic balance and is vital for boosting the plant’s response to stress and drought.

d) Calcium

Calcium helps in plant and root growth and ensures it absorbs potassium. It is vital for strong cell walls and activates enzyme activity.

e) Magnesium

Magnesium is needed by the plant to make chlorophyll which gives it a green color. It also helps to activate enzymes and helps distribute phosphorus to all the plant systems.

f) Sulphur

Sulfur also helps in the production of chlorophyll and facilitates protein formation which is required in energy production and cell respiration.

g) Micronutrients

Hydroponic plants also require micronutrients such as iron, copper, Zinc, manganese, and Chlorine in small amounts. Iron is vital for DNA synthesis, chlorine helps with the formation of chlorophyll, and copper activates key enzymes while manganese and zinc are important for cell growth.

Choosing the Best Nutrition for Hydroponic Plants

The good thing with a hydroponic system is that you can control the nutrients you provide to the plants. Combine a good mix of macro and micronutrients to prevent deficiency.

best nutrition for hydroponic plants

A Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium mix is the best way to start. Then add in calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate to provide calcium, sulfur, and magnesium. You can add the nutrients directly to the water or in the hydroponic system.

Now that you know the essential nutrients for hydroponic systems, how do you choose the best nutrient solution? You can purchase the liquid nutrients or a powder form to dissolve in water.

Here are some nutrient solutions to consider:

1. Dyna-Gro:https://hydropros.com/collections/dyna-gro The product is affordable, available in different quantities, and easy to use.

2. General Hydroponics Flora: it is one of the best nutrition for hydroponics and is available in different types according to the stage of the plant’s growth.

3. Fox Farm Liquid Nutrient Trio: it also offers a three-part nutrient solution depending on the stage of growth from vegetative to flowering and fruiting stages.

Can You Make Hydroponic Nutrients at Home?

It may be challenging to do this process. But once you understand the nutrients the plants need, it is easy to do this at home. The solution you create should contain the three major nutrients in large amounts: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and others like calcium, sulfur, and magnesium.

You can use Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, and potassium nitrate to get the required nutrients for the plants. You also need a solution that contains trace elements such as iron, copper, and manganese which are necessary for the health of your hydroponic plants.


  • What is the best natural fertilizer for hydroponics?

You can use organic nutrition solutions in hydroponic systems such as liquid seaweed, chicken manure, fish byproducts, or compost tea to boost the growth of your hydroponics.

  • What is the best NPK for hydroponics?

The best ratio for Nitrogen Phosphorus and Potassium is 5:5:5.Alway choose a solution that contains the three macronutrients.

  • How do you give nutrients to hydroponic plants?

Hydroponic plants need extra consideration since they grow without soil. It is ideal to use a liquid delivery system to ensure the nutrients travel fast to all the plant systems.

  • How much nutrients do I add to my hydroponic system?

You need one or two cups of liquid nutrient solution for every 60 liters of water. Add the diluted solution regularly to ensure the plants get all the required nutrients.

Final Thoughts

Once you know the best nutrition for hydroponic plants you can choose a balanced and high-quality mix to provide all the essential nutrients for your plant to grow healthy and strong. Always start with the main macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium then add the others to ensure your plant gets the best nutrition.

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