12 Best Plants for Hydroponics That You Should Consider

Hydroponics is an innovative technique for growing plants without soil even in limited spaces indoors. It is praised for being an easy way to grow plants with high yields because you can control the growing factors like nutrients, PH, water, and temperature unlike in a traditional garden.

Furthermore, hydroponics allows you to grow plants off season and is not affected by harsh weather changes during summer or winter. But what are the best plants for hydroponics?

Just because a hydroponic system is better than traditional farming does not mean that you can grow all plants in it. Depending on your hydroponics system some plants don’t adapt well in a hydroponic garden especially those that grow long roots (e.g. potatoes) or those that crawl and climb such as trees and vines.

This article shares the best plants for a hydroponic system that you should consider to produce high-quality crops for sustainable food production.

3 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Plants for Hydroponics

Best Plants for Hydroponics

Before you choose the best plants for a hydroponic garden you need to consider several factors such as:

1. Type of hydroponic system

Different plants are suitable for the different types of hydroponic systems. So you need to remember that before selecting plants to grow in your hydroponic garden. For example, strawberries grow well in a Nutrient film technique or drip hydroponic systems because they need a constant supply of nutrients to grow.

Also Read: 6 Best Hydroponics Systems for Urban Gardening 

2. Yields

If you are growing hydroponics for personal needs at home you need to know that hydroponics have high yields so you don’t need to grow as many plants as they might go to waste.

However, if you are growing for commercial purposes or will share with friends or family you can grow a lot of plants. If you are not sure about how many plants you need, start small and increase in the subsequent growing cycles.

3. Nutritional needs

If you want to grow various plants you need to know that they have different nutritional needs and PH requirements. So the best way is to group plants with similar needs and separate those with different needs.

For example, you can grow lettuce and spinach together and separate them from tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants.

Also Read: What is the Best Nutrition for Hydroponic Plants?

12 Best Plants for Hydroponics

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is one of the best plants to grow in a hydroponic system because it grows fast and has high yields. As long as you provide the right conditions it will grow in 30 days or less. Also, you don’t have to grow a lot of it if it is for personal use.

2. Spinach

Spinach is one of the healthiest leafy greens rich in essential vitamins and minerals. It is also easy to grow spinach in a hydroponic system because it grows fast and has high yields. Ensure to buy fresh and high-quality seeds to avoid bitter spinach leaves.

3. Kale

Just like spinach and lettuce, kale is one of the best plants for hydroponics because it grows fast and is not very sensitive to changes in the growing conditions.

Furthermore, it is also rich in essential nutrients and makes a great addition to your salads. Choose curly kale seeds because they are best for hydroponic garden and grow faster than other kale varieties.

4. Basil

One of the best herbs to grow in a hydroponic system is basil. The herb grows fast and you will be ready to harvest in 28 days or less as long as you provide the ideal conditions. You also need to prune it daily for better growth.

Basil has an intoxicating aroma that will be a great addition to your salads. It is also useful for medicinal purposes and it is said to treat stomach pains and worm infections.

5. Chives

Another herb that makes it in the list of the best plants for small hydroponics is chives. You can grow them all year round in vertical towers and harvest bit by bit. Chives are ready for harvest in just two or weeks after planting and they grow thicker after every harvest. The only limitation is that they need constant exposure to sunlight so you may need to invest in grow lights.

6. Coriander

Coriander is one of the best plants for indoor hydroponics because it is easy and quick to grow as long as you provide the right nutrients and conditions such as light. Growing coriander hydroponically gives you a constant supply of the herb that can be used in cooking and for medicinal uses.

7. Mint

Herbs like mint are the best plants for small hydroponics. You can harvest bit by bit as they are growing to help them grow bushier. Mint requires a constant supply of nutrients to support growth and periodic watering to prevent root rot.

8. Parsley

The list of the best plants for hydroponic garden is not complete without parsley. You can grow the herb all year long because they grow fast and have high yields. Provide the right temperature and humidity and a balance of nutrients for faster and healthier growth. Parsley grown hydroponically is ready for harvest in 4 weeks or less after planting.

9. Microgreens

You can grow microgreens in your kitchen window, but did you know that microgreens also grow hydroponically? The best thing about growing microgreens in a hydroponic system is that you can grow them over and over again and they don’t need as much light as other plants like basil. Furthermore, they are ready for harvest in just 14 days or less.

Also Read: Should You Buy Microgreens or Grow Them At Home?

10. Cucumbers

I know we said that plants that crawl or produce vines are not ideal for hydroponics. However, there are cucumber varieties that don’t vine and can grow well in a hydroponic system. So, yes, it is possible to grow cucumbers in a hydroponic system.

11. Tomatoes

Tomato is one of the best plants for indoor hydroponics. Although tomatoes grow tall and heavy it is possible to grow them hydroponically. The trick is to select the “dwarf” or “patio” varieties that are suitable for hydroponics.

12. Strawberries

Can you grow strawberries hydroponically? The answer is yes. You can grow a few strawberries in your hydroponic garden and get a high yield of delicious strawberries with multiple fruiting cycles. They have shallow roots and the hydroponics system won’t hinder their growth.


  • Which plant is not suitable for hydroponics?

Some of the plants that are not suitable for hydroponics are those that grow long roots or those that climb or sprawl (vines) because they need a lot of space which is limited in hydroponics.

  • What grows the fastest in hydroponics?

Some of the best plants that grow fastest in hydroponics include lettuce, spinach, and other leafy greens. They will be ready for harvest in 30 days or less as long as you provide adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients.

  • What is the easiest vegetable to grow in hydroponics?

The easiest vegetable to grow in hydroponics is lettuce. The seeds are readily available and nothing can go wrong as long as it has the perfect growing conditions. You will get an abundant harvest of healthy vegetables.

  • What three plants grow best in hydroponics?

The three plants that grow best in hydroponics include leafy greens such as spinach, lettuce, and kale, herbs like basil and mint, and microgreens (e.g. broccoli or cilantro).

Final Thoughts

Although you can’t grow all plants in a hydroponic system such as root vegetables like beets as they need more space, several plants do well in hydroponics. They include lettuce, spinach, kale, basil, parsley, cilantro, microgreens, and cucumbers because they grow fast and have high yields.

Are you ready to grow your own food? Do try this list of the best plants for hydroponic and share your experience below.

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